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Contact & Imprint

(Impressum, Deutsch)

Formal information and legal framework of this website and the hibisca e.V.

You can reach hibisca e.V., Berlin, at the following coordinates:

Phone: +49-Berlin - 218 02 279 (phone of the board).

Postal address: hibisca e.V., c/o FORUM FACTORY, Besselstr. 13-14, 10969 Berlin (advertising basically unwanted!!)
Website: hibisca(dott)de

Seat of the association: hibisca e.V. c/o FORUM FACTORY, Besselstr. 13-14, 10969 Berlin (postal address of the association see above)

General information about hibisca e.V. (status: August 1, 2017):
The association hibisca e.V. was founded on November 22, 2014 in Berlin-Rixdorf and registered on January 29, 2015 under the file number VR 33831 B in the relevant register of associations at the Charlottenburg District Court.

Board of Directors: Margot Schaper, Berlin (Chairwoman of the Board), Claus Thies-von der Bey, (2nd Chairperson, Interim-Treasurer)

The association operates as a non-profit ideal association (non-profit status recognized in 2015, 2018 and 2021, presentation of proof gladly on request).

Responsible for the content of this website: Board of hibisca e.V., Berlin
Responsible in the sense of the German Telemedien-Gesetz: Margot Schaper


Please note:

  • If you wish to link to our website, please obtain our written permission before doing so. Please do not at any time give the impression that hibisca e.V. or its projects are part or product of your organization or company.
  • We want to achieve sustainability and development in the sense of all involved.
  • We cooperate rather than compete. If you find discrepancies on the website, let's talk about it.
  • We do not agree with you copying contents or design of this website, as they are protected by copyrights.
  • The commercial use of any contents of this website or the other websites of hibisca e.V., Berlin, is excluded. The use in information or  schooling materials and reference books can only take place after explicit use by the the board of hibisca e.V., Berlin and the project management of the relevant project.

No commercial offers are made on this website.


Further important notes on the website:

An automated query of our databases by software scripts or comparable mechanisms is not permitted without our consent. Manipulation of data or attempts to do so are punishable by law (see also Par. 303a StGB on data alteration or Par. 303b StGB on computer sabotage).

The publisher of the website is responsible as a content provider under the German Telemedia Act for its "own content", which it makes available for use, in accordance with general legislation. A distinction must be made between this own content and cross-references ("links") to content provided by other providers. By means of the cross-reference, the publisher provides "third-party content" for use, which is marked in this way. Links" are always "living" (dynamic) references.

The publisher of the website under the domains hibisca.de and archer-types.eu has checked the external content at the time of the initial linking as to whether - as far as directly obvious - a possible civil or criminal liability is triggered by it. However, it does not constantly check the content to which it refers in its offer for changes that could give rise to a new responsibility. If he determines or is informed by others that a specific offer to which he has provided a link triggers a civil or criminal liability, he will remove the reference to this offer.


Status: 2022-12-08 (The information above may be subject to errors)

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